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The Research and development program at TIPT
The Pharmaceutical Research & Development diploma is a program that teaches the theoretical knowledge needed to assist in the development and creation of innovative drug products. Students will get to experience these processes as they complete practical projects in TIPT’s industry standard GMP facility.
Discover Career Paths

From the TIPT Classroom to your Career

The career paths of our graduates lead them to high-paying jobs in various industries including pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical, biotechnology, advanced-drug delivery, medical devices, food, cosmetics, natural product, nutraceutical and other life science industries. Graduates of this program secure employment in positions such as a:
  • Formulation Technologist
  • Formulation Chemist
  • Product Development Scientist
  • Drug Research Scientist
  • Process Development Technician
  • Analytical Research & Development Technician
  • Technical Writer
Years of Training Professionals
96 %
of Graduates Employed in 6 Months

Finding a fulfilling career became my mission when I first moved to Canada from India. My educational background was a professional degree in medicine. I then enrolled in the R&D Post Graduate program at TIPT and experienced an exceptional Canadian student life. I developed practical skills in the laboratory and hands-on training, and got the opportunity to put those skills into practice at my current job. I am grateful to the education I obtained from TIPT, for fostering who I am and allowing me to be a part of cosmetic research & development.


Shalina Mani

Research & Development Chemist, Crystal Claire Cosmetics